Monthly Archives: April 2015

Twinning Days in Wroclaw Technology Park

Twinning Days – a conference organized in framework of ENGINE project took place on April 21, 2015 in Wrocław Technology Park. This was the second edition of the conference (the first was held in March last year), which aims to extend the collaboration between research teems from Wroclaw University of

Workshop on Smart Patenting

We would like to invite you to “Smart patenting – how to protect, not to confine” workshop which will be presented on May 7th (Thursday). All of the presentations during the workshop will be given in Polish language. If you are interested to participate please visit this site.

Michał Joachimiak will present a talk on 3D video processing and compression.

Thanks to the developments in 3D video capturing, processing and compression an increasing amount of video processing applications takes advantage of stereoscopic and multiview 3D video signal. The key applications include remote sensing, robotic navigation, scene and action recognition and abundant entertainment solutions including free-viewpoint television and gaming. The talk covers

Effective absorption of EU Funds

On 2nd April 2015 Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce organized Program Briefing “Effective absorption of EU Funds”. Agenda of the conference: EU Funds 2014-2020 – Zbigniew Dynak, Wioletta Susmanek Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce role in effective absorption of EU Funds – Dariusz Podyma Factors of effective absorption of EU